Dear Oz,
No, that’s not your name–also not the nickname I had envisioned, I generally call you Aussie–we’ll see which one sticks. That nickname was bestowed upon you by your giant brother, not to be confused with your colossal brother. They also came up with those titles.
We’ve already had you a month, and in that time you’ve gained 2 pounds, forcing me to pack away all your newborn clothes. I never had to do this so early with your siblings. But I will accept your rapid growth so long as you continue to sleep farther long and easier than them too. You’ve been having trouble with that as of late, so I’m back on oat lattes for the foreseeable future.
It remains to be seen if you have curly hair like your sister–I get glimmers of it whenever we give you a bath. Your eyes are slowly turning blue, and I will be sad to see the solar eclipses around your pupils fade away–I had attempted to capture them during this little portrait session but you were not keen on the idea. Naturally, you spit up on your FWBC onesie before we were able to start, but at least your tiny bat was spared.
I’m appreciating your tininess as much as I can–while also telling everyone you are not small. I mostly rushed to capture these photos for fear you’d grow too big for your onesie soon.
You are so loved little one. I’m sorry for every time I kiss you on the head and it wakes you up (seriously why do you do that?). I have to shoo away your big sister and brothers because they all want to coo over you–usually when I’m working to get you to sleep. And I swear you already make a distinct face when you hear daddy talking to you. We have hopes your hair will have a strawberry hue to it (but its ok if not), and just the sight of your head peeking out of my carrier is enough to stop a room.
So excited to watch you grow,
Love momma