In attempt to clean out our kitchen (preparing for the big move back to the States) we made this flavor-overload concoction the other morning, which received rave reviews at breakfast from myself and the hubby and after the enthusiasm at a going away party, I thought I might as well share the simple but yummy mixture.
-Pancake mix (I use this recipe—never buy mix again!)
– ¼-1/2 cup berries (I had an frozen assortment of berries, but you could just use one type if you prefer)
-1/4 cup oat
-half chopped banana
– ¾ Milk (more or less depending on the desired consistency)
– 1 egg
-2 tbsp of oil
Prepare and cook as you would any other pancakes. Mixing might be easier if you combine the pancake mix, milk, egg, and oil before adding the rest but I did it all at once and it wasn’t too troublesome.
Suggested Toppings
-Peanut butter
-Honey (haven’t tried it myself but it seems like a good idea)
-Whip cream
Not enough flavors for you? Throw some cinnamon into the mix!