Deptuch Family Short Session // Mineral Wells, Texas
When you’re related to, or friends with me, there’s a high probability you’ll be used as guinea pigs for a new location or portrait concept.
When you’re related to, or friends with me, there’s a high probability you’ll be used as guinea pigs for a new location or portrait concept.
Probably the saddest part of a wedding day for me is when we’re getting ready to leave–sometimes it’s when the reception is all over, sometimes
You know what happens when you trust your photographer? Fifteen minutes after stopping on the side of the road, with the sunsetting, and people running
Of course, I want all my clients to dress in a way that makes them comfortable, but I can’t help but get excited when I
If 5 kids and two dogs make a circus, call me P.T. Barnum ’cause this is the Greatest Show! Ok, I haven’t seen the movie
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