The comedian Mark Lowry once said that being in his houseboat during a tornado, “would have been a lot of fun if I had known I was going to survive.” I kinda feel the same about proposals–this will be so fun once I know I got *the moment*, cause I’m usually working through multiple scenarios of how things might not go to plan and how I can adjust with just seconds to spare.
Jacob decided to propose to Cayden just before her family had dinner at the Cliffs Resort in Possum Kingdom. So it was a game of how to be discrete (with a foot long lens on my camera)–while being ready to go whenever Jacob decided it was time.
After a sweet proposal, with the lake as their backdrop, a quick celebration with family, we were off for some portraits. Now it is August with the bright summer sun, so I had to work hard to create beautiful portraits while not letting them melt like popsicles. Fortunately, Cayden and Jacob took directions so well, no matter the weird things I made them do for the shot.

their height difference kills me with cuteness.