Booking Season is upon us! This is when most brides select the vendors and services they’ll be using for their wedding, and that means there’s generally a lot of wedding shows, expos, and venue open houses happening. Besides a good time, these can be a great opportunity to get some wedding planning off your list–but it can also be an overwhelming time, so here are 5 things you can do to get the most of out wedding shows as a bride:
See if you can get tickets for free or a discount.
Nicer wedding shows and expos generally require a ticket, but often if you register ahead of time, you’ll be able to get in for much less or even free!
Print Info Labels
You’re going to get asked the same questions a lot and anyone you want to receive more information from (or possibly book at the show), will need that information written down. Spare yourself and save time by printing labels that have your specific details:
- Your name (I like it when bride’s include their fiance’s name as well)
- Email address
- Phone number
- Wedding date
- Venue (if you have it) or other specific detail relevant to planning
Bring the Right People with you
Don’t come to these shows solo, it’s so much more fun with a friend–I’m a vendor at these and I refuse to come by myself! Having the right crowd can really make or break it for you. If you’re strapped for time, you can divide and conquer; if you need your parents’ ok because they’re paying, then it’s good for them to see and talk to the vendors as well! Who to bring:
- Your fun friend
- Your focused friend (love to see it when the group has a note taker)
- Anyone who is helping pay
- Your fiancé (we love to see grooms at shows–if he’s not interested, remind him there’s usually catering samples everywhere)
Don’t Just Fill out forms–talk to people!
You know I’m serious because I’m an introvert and loathe the idea of having to approach a stranger and strike up conversation. But it’s really not a good use of your time to fill out a vendor’s form when you know nothing about them or their services! It may be far more than your comfortable with your budget, or your personalities completely clash. It’s best to talk to them for a little bit before requesting more info.
Don’t feel like you HAVE to book at the show
For services that are definitely more of an investment, like mine, I don’t expect nor have it set up for people to book at shows (though it hasn’t stopped some from trying!). It’s perfectly fine to get a feel for different vendors and research them some more before making a final decision!