I had a good chuckle after Chelsea and Saul’s engagement session when he asked Chelsea if we knew each other from college or high school; she said, “try Vacation Bible School.” Her parents kinda had a hand in my parents getting together, so you can say that we’ve easily known each other all of our lives. So that made this session really special for me.
We started their session in downtown Abilene, at a mural Chelsea said she had long decided she would take her engagement photos at whenever she got engaged. Next we planned to go to a beautiful fountain nearby, but unbeknownst to us, a children’s art fair was happening in the middle of downtown Abilene, Texas, and they had a train driving right around the fountain we had planned to use, and we had to change our plans for portrait locations. Thankfully, the train operators told us we could come back during their lunch break, so we moved to our next location, The Mill–a beautiful wine bar in Abilene, that also just happens to be where Saul proposed.
These two make such a great team–literally, they do Spartan races together. They both know how to roll with punches, the hard work a great relationship takes, and Colton and I are so looking forward to their wedding this fall.

Loved all the pictures. Beautiful couple