Dear Miss Evelyn,
Oh baby girl, I don’t think anyone would ever call your momma a girlie girl, but GOODNESS do I love a tutu. Also, I think we’re doing a tea party for your one year photos because I am loving this over the top look for you.
I’d love to say you have become a fantastic sleeper, but that, little girl, is not the case. I will say you are mostly predictable. You do seem to stay congested and I’m waiting for your teeth to pop up, so maybe that’s your current issue.
Like your momma, you are a big fan of food. And your brothers, seriously, no one can make you laugh quite like they do. But it’s daddy who gets you stomping your feet from being excited.
We recently all went to the museum and you did so well! Lots of time in the car, and being at the museum for most of the day (you even watched most of a planetarium show)—daddy and I were so proud of you.
I’m worried these letters are getting redundant, you are just the sweetest thing, and we’re so happy we have you.

One Comment
Oh my sweet baby girl. You are so beautiful.
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