Something Will Go Wrong on Your Wedding Day

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Hello Dearie,

You’ve probably read the title of this blog and thought, “Rebekah, that is not comforting.” I know it feels that way right now–perhaps you’re in the midst of planning and the stress has it, or maybe you’re just getting started and overwhelmed with ALL THE THINGS. 

But weddings are big events, and with so many different parts, do not be surprised dear bride, when something doesn’t go exactly as you planned. Now that may just be you running 15 minutes behind schedule, or it could be more, like the following which I have all witnessed.

Guest spilt wine on the bride during the reception

Limo never showed up to pick up the bride and groom 

Groomsmen pants split hours before the ceremony

All-day rain forecast for an outdoor ceremony

Groom forgot the bride’s ring and didn’t realize until the ceremony had started

Bridesmaid’s water broke the morning of the wedding (oops, that was me)

Groomsmen got the wrong shade of grey for his suit

Bridal portrait fell, breaking the frame and glass

Groomsmen got a blue suit when he was supposed grey

Best man forgot the rings, twice.

Ring bearer ran off mid ceremony

Groom’s cake collapsed

Flower girl cried during portrait time

OK, so nothing terrible, no “I object!” during the ceremony, but still a bit stressful on the wedding day. So you know what I want you to remember? When things are hard, when you’re freaking out because family is stressing you out or there’s a globe pandemic throwing everyone for a loop?

Repeat that a few times if you need to.

Now, about those stories I shared.

The bride with wine on her dress? They cleaned it at the reception and it didn’t stain

Limo never showed? They still got to their hotel in time to rest before they left on their honeymoon.

Groomsmen pants split? He made it to the rental place and got a new pair with still time for portraits.

The rainy wedding day? A friend had a canopy just the right size for the guests AND the rain cleared just in time for the ceremony

Groom that forgot the ring? The Best Man got it and we the piano player performed some special songs until he got back. (that was my wedding, i could hear the music and was so confused).

Yep, my water broke the morning of a dear friend’s wedding and Colton was their officiant; fortunately, the bride had eight months to prepare a back up plan but our oldest will never hear the end of it. 

The groomsmen that got the wrong shade of grey? Just happened to be the same size as the groom, so they swapped and made it look on purpose.

The broken bridal frame? The bridesmaids made a dash to Michaels and got a new one.

The groomsmen who showed up in blue instead of grey managed to get a whole new suit and get back for portraits.

Yep, they forgot the rings, twice, and they were an hour away from the venue. Did they get the rings in time for the ceremony? Yes, yes they did.

The runaway ring bearer’s mom, AKA me, who was also a bridesmaid, snatched him up and passed him off to the flower girl’s mom.

The collapsed cake? The bakers were able to fix it!

Those pictures with the crying flower girl? The couple look back and now think they’re hilarious.

So don’t get to wrapped up on how everything is supposed to happen; instead focus on why you’re getting married in the first place, and let that thought carry you through whatever happens.



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I’m Rebekah


Fueled by equal parts caffeine and a “why not?” attitude, I’m here to create amazing images that will stop you in your tracks–plus feel like you found a new best friend.

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Bahamas Elopement - Michaela & Justin

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