Dear Miss Evie Girl,
I’m going to start sounding like a broken record about how a delight you are; but to keep things balanced, I will add that in between taking your photos and writing this post, you had a major blow out and were in a mood. Now you’re sleeping in my lap while I get this done (albeit a day late).
You just took your first trip down south to see family for Christmas and you did fantastic with leave the house at 3 am (did your brothers? No, no they did not but that’s what Ipads are for).
We’ve already given you solids because you’re envious of everyone else eating something, you know the word “milk”, and were so annoyed you weren’t allowed to get in the pool this past weekend.
I’m treasuring this time of you being so tiny, because you are growing up so, so fast.

Excuse me miss, what are you doing sitting up and looking like you’re hosting a talk show?!