Evie girl,
We’re so close to your birthday! How have you been here forever and only a blink? You’ll note your photos are quite different this month—in the mentality of “need to get these done” after a busy month, and just showing life as it is, we opted to leave you in your drool m-soaked onesie and feed you yogurt puffs to keep you in the frame.
You’re not quite crawling, you like to keep a knee in the air and spin on a dial, but mobile you most certainly are! Predictions about you walking are already happening given your preference for pulling yourself up.
We just took our first vacation as a family of 5 and you did so well! You were enthralled at SeaWorld, far more than I expected, and slept so well throughout the trip. You even started impersonating the sea lions and now have your own baby doll.
You’re my perfect little doll