Oh Evie girl,
Can’t believe you’re three months old, yet feels like you’ve been here forever. I’ll be honest, hasn’t been the easiest month, we’ve made some major leaps but in some areas we’ve stepped back a bit.
You’re thickening up little girl (fun how we readily tell babies that), yet you still manage to be so teeny. When we were shopping but my back was thrown out, pretty sure the lady at Bass Pro that I’d just had you because she asked if I’d had an epidural.
You’ve gone to a photography conference, you went to west Texas to visit Mimi, look at you doing all the things! And people still can’t get over how cute you are, and now you’re flashing smiles and cooing right back at them
I’m so happy we have you little girl; even when you won’t sleep in your car seat, which makes mommy have a mental breakdown, so we have to stop and skip co-op. It’s okay, you’re cute and worth it.
Love always,
P.S. you had your first laugh, and it was at your dad making choking sounds.

Telling Santa to bring this girl some bloomers.

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PRICELESS.. We Love our Evie
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